Ground Gas Protection and the Use of Brownfield Sites

With the demand for new houses increasing and the availability of suitable greenbelt land decreasing, developers are trying to reclaim previously used land and utilise the space underground with basement constructions.
Naturally, brownfield sites are popular candidates for land development, so it’s no wonder the competition for sourcing and using these sites has increased. However, these sites often present challenges in the form of ground pollutants, particularly in the UK with our dense population and industrial heritage.
These hostile ground conditions present issues with the durability of ‘standard’ construction materials used in the built environment. More often than not, these materials are only tested and proven to survive favourable ground conditions.
As our understanding of material science increases, so does our knowledge of the long-term effects on human health from exposure to contaminants. These contaminants can be carcinogenic; therefore, it becomes more important to future proof our developments so that we can protect workers on-site and residents who will live there.